Monday, December 14, 2009

Entexticated Driving!

Yay for people who make laws! Lawmakers in Arkansas have finally made texting while driving illegal and there are several people who are very upset over this. I have one question for those people against this law; are you dumb?

Most of teenage deaths involved with cars are due to phones and texting. I'm sorry but if most of our younger generation are dying due to a stupid message that could wait five minuets, then shouldn't something be done about it? Any law that will save lives that is not too restrictive, should be glorified and not criticized.

Some people argue that texting should be allowed in case of emergencies. Well, ok, if its an emergency, pull over and call or text. It's simple. "But what if someone is in the middle of nowhere, with nowhere to pull over?" Good question! Get to somewhere and once again, pull over. If there truly is an emergency, then you have two options. Option one, it won't really matter and the cop will understand if its a real emergency. Option two, pull over because you need to focus on this emergency.

Option three, just don't do it! People don't realize that true, it is your life, but when you're on the road, you are endangering other people's lives. Do you really want to be a murder? So thank you to everyone who helped to pass this law throughout Arkansas and lets spread it to the rest of the country!

Should we ban America's favorite past time?!?

It has been suggested from some scientists that football should be banned because of "health" reasons. These reasons though, are not completely relevant and related to football. Some of these claims have stated that there is severe brain damage due to football because of the "violent nature" of this favorite game.

Football players that have donated their bodies to science are being used to make all of these accusations. Scientists have found rotted chunks of cells in these players' brains. These scientists blame football as the only source of this rotting. Have they even taken into consideration that maybe most of these players used drugs in high school and got wasted after every game? There is no complete way to prove that football alone was any cause of the brain damage. Life style outside of football must be taken into thought when checking and making conclusions about the source of these injuries.

So because of these so called "findings", scientists are now wanting to ban football at the high school level which will basically end football at a college and professional level. They say this will help to end and slow the brain damage, but I completely disagree. Yes it is very possible to get brain damage from tackles in football but some people have the same chance of getting the exact damage from walking down the street and tripping over their own two feet. Though true, the risk is higher if you play football, but this also encourages most young teens and adults to stay on track with a goal of being the best they can be. Football is the only reason why some people stay in school, away from drugs, and going to college.

So sure we could ban football and make some fallen football players' brains prettier when they die, but would we sacrifice the good for when we're dead over having good when we're alive? Once these scientists have actually played football and tested their own brains, then maybe we should look at new options.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Book Reviews for First Semester

This nine weeks, I have been re-reading some old books and exploring some new Science Fiction books. So far I have read Twilight and New Moon by Stephine Meyer, Fade and Wake by Lisa McMann, and Marked by P.C. Cast.

  • With the upcoming release of the movie New Moon, I decided to re-read Twilight and New Moon. The first time I read these books I sped through them just to find out the ending of the series. This time I took the time to pay attention to the words and relations in the story. I really like how obvious everything is to the public but no one notices. I also really like how easy it is to relate to most of the characters in the story. The only thing I do not like about these books is how long it takes for events to happen.

  • Fade and Wake caught my attention by the interesting covers. I like how these books take something that is fiction but what if someone could really see other people's dreams? Also there are so many different events going on at the same time. Plus, its a great yet twisted love story.
  • Once I read the Twilight series, I began to actually like vampire books, whereas I didn't before. So I started the House of Night series and began with Marked. I wasn't sure of how I would like this book because it had a very odd beginning and to be honest, I'm not sure still if I like the book or not. I like it because of the great "real life" feel there is to the story but I'm not a big fan of witchcraft which is a major part of this story.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Awakening Sentence Analysis: Group 3

If you can't view the last part, please click here to view the umapper.

Tone Anylasis
Chopin's glimmering realization of her existence seems both uplifiting and sorrowful showing both her true placement in society and the new knowledge deemed only to her that sits so weightfully upon her shoulders.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sentence 12

THE Sentence:
The fight had made Mark something of a hero, and the whole story was going around school in various versions, all different.
from That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton

This sentence puts two thoughts together into one sentence that flows very well.

MY Sentence:
The show had made Sally popular over night, and the rumor was no longer true that she stole the main lead, all a lie.

Sentence 11

THE Sentence:
We ran across the schoolyard, crawled under the fence to Deer's Pasture behind our house, climed our back fence and were at the back steps before Jem would let us pause to rest.
from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This sentence is very complex and shows the effort the children placed in their actions.

MY Sentence:
Daniel walked through the store, searched over the aisles with candy behind the clothes, shouted around the people and went to the speaker so he could find Ashley.

Sentence 10

THE Sentence:
Jem leaped off the porch and galloped toward us.

from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This sentence has two verbs that help to describe clearly the way in which Jem is leaving the house and runs away.

MY Sentence:
Amy bounded from the house and sprinted toward them.

Sentence 9

THE Sentence:
And then I was in his arms, kissing him, and our tears mingled together as we laughed and cried and held each other.
from Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence has a lot of repeating verbs and verb phrases that seem to suggest that there was a lot of action found in the context.

MY Sentence:
And then I was stumbling, searching around, and my phone wasn't working as I cried and prayed and hoped for help in the dark.

Sentence 8

THE Sentence:
But almost can be a really big word.
from Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence is very short in number of words, but has great context that needs no more detail.

MY Sentence:
But truth can be a complete lie.

Sentence 7

THE Sentence:
And the worst part was, if you took away the disgusting Raven Mockers, who seemed to be everywhere, I could almost convinced myself that everything was normal.
from Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence plus the focus to the middle parts of the sentence, found between the commas, and away from the other parts that seem to be distant from the actual thought of the sentence.

MY Sentence:
And the best part was, if you ignored the fact James wasn't there, who seemed to always miss my birthday, it was almost a perfect day.

Sentence 6

THE Sentence:
My classes, as my Spanish teacher, Professor Garmy, would have said, had she not turned into a good little pod professor, were no bueno para me.
from Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence is very jumbled and has to be read through twice to make sure of the meaning, but gives a good example to the world she is living in.

MY Sentence:
My books, as my best friend, Stacey, would have said, if she had of seen my room as of late, were overflowing.

Sentence 5

THE Sentence:
I met Erik's eyes and saw the vulnerability through the pretend confidence of his smile.
from Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence uses very good adjectives to describe not only the visual way things looked, but also reveals the hidden feelings.

MY Sentence:
I saw the dog for the first time and saw the anguish in his eyes through the lop-sided grin.

Sentence 4

THE Sentence:
But this wasn't a normal day, and I couldn't help but believe this also wasn't a normal thunderstorm.

This sentence seems fairly ordinary, but the repetition of the word "normal" seems to point out that the things in this sentence are "normal" but the context is contrary to the word normal.

MY Sentence:
But this wasn't an average test, and I had to believe this wasn't an average class.

Sentence 3

THE Sentence:
Okay, the guy looked nice, until he picked up a sword- uh, I mean foil- then he shifted from nice guy to deadly-dangerous-vampyre-warrior-guy.

This sentence is very complicated, with several commas and dashes and uses a lot of adjectives to show how complex this guy looks.

MY Sentence:
So, the lake appeared pretty, until it got dark- there was no light- then it glowed from pretty picture to a creepy-deadly-scary-murky-puddle of death.

Sentence 2

THE Sentence:
So it had been two years since I'd been around a horse, but it came back to me instantly-all of it.
from Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast

This sentence begins in a past tense but switches to present and then uses a dash to emphasize the intensity of the previous words.

MY Sentence:
So I hadn't done my homework in quiet sometime, but it became necessary towards the end of the nine weeks-all in one week!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sentence 1

THE Sentence:
The man- and then with a little jolt of additional shock I realized that he wasn't a man, he was a teenager- not more than a year or so older than me.
from Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

This sentence is very disorganized- which mirrors the thought process when one is caught in a shock- and doesn't make sense, unless you analyze the context of the sentence.

MY Sentence:
The child- and then with a falling sensation he rose from the bed, he checked the room- not more than a toddler or younger than an infant.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Symphony Connections

In Daniel Pink's new book, A Whole New Mind, he explains six new senses to help expand into the new age. The sense I decided to research more on is the symphony sense.
One suggestion that Pink gave was to create an inspiration board. I decided to try this out and see what connections I could find.
I took several little random items from my room and put them in a box over the course of a few weeks. At the end of the time, I looked at everything to see if there were any obvious or hidden connections between the items.
The more I looked at these items, I found out that they did have a broad connection. Music. In the box there were sheets of old music from band, tickets from concerts I have been to, CD covers, and small awards I have received from different musical events.
This little experiment really helped me to see different patterns in my everyday world. I now have a larger box that I keep next to my bed and anytime I have a piece of junk, or so it would seem to anyone other than myself, I place it in the box to see how the things I do in my life relate. Maybe you should try it to.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So Much!

So much depends
upon a blue bible
cover tattered and with sticky notes peeking out of the side
on the night stand next to the hanging lamp.

This poem is written based on the Little Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams. The original poem described Utopia and Distopia at the same time, but I believe my version of his poem shows total Utopia for what fits in my world.

What do you so much depend upon?

Spring Break '09!

This year for my sophomore Spring Break, I went with the Batesville High School Band to Orlando, Florida!!!

The anticipation leading up to this trip lasted almost a year, so when the time came for us to leave, I was about to bust with joy!

I have to say, the 19 hour trip down and back was very tiring but in the end, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There were definitely some fun times on that horrendous bus. Like Paige trying to use the bathroom on the bus for the first time, watching several great movies(Kung Fu Panda, Baby Moma, Indiana Jones, and more), seeing all the different state signs pass us by as we ventured closer to our destination, and so much more!

The bad parts of riding the bus though made the trip a little harder to enjoy. We had to use the bathroom in the back of the bus, sleep in the floor and on chairs, and try to get changed and ready for the next day. But looking back, it was definitely worth it!!!

The time we spent at parks like Disney(Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios), Universal Studios, and Island of Adventure was probably my favorite part of the trip. At Disney, it reminded me of all the times when I was little and when I went to Disney for the first time. But, Island of Adventure was my ABSOLUTE favorite with all of the exciting roller coasters like The Hulk, Rip Saw Falls, Dueling Dragons and so much more!

The rest of our trip was also very amazing! We got to go swimming in the pool at our hotel, go shopping at several different stores(where I found some really cute stuff!), and then we got to go have diner at the Medieval Times. That was definitely fun because you got to be a big part of the show and actually pull yourself into the medieval world!

All in all, my Spring Break '09 has been my favorite so far and I can't wait for the rest to come!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Anthem... "I am the meaning"

Ayn Rand in the writing of Anthem was absolutely brilliant! I loved this book from beginning to the very last word... "Ego."

Though this book was written for the future, it was very easy to feel every emotion and live through everything that Equality 7-2521 was dealing with.

I do not agree with all of Ayn Rand's opinion and theories outside of Anthem, but to my great surprise, she did not force these ideas in her story. Those philosophies were used to mold the story, but it was not used to sway my opinions and ideas.

This is a great book for anyone struggling to find their place in this world. Equality 7-2521 struggles to find himself in this world of "brotherhood" and this brings the question to mind, "where do you stand?"

This book challenges what you know and what you believe to true. Being as opinionated as I am, beginning the book I knew what I believed and how I felt on certain ideas, but in reading this even I sat back and thought again.

If I could only recommend one book to read, this would be that one.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fate and All That Jazz

The story of Julius Caesar, was based over the whole idea of fate and its affect of every person and every day.
Well, to some extent, I do believe fate plays a role with these same factors. But that's not to say I totally agree with Caesar and his "gang".
Fate, I believe, is brought on by how you will it to affect you. I'm not sure who said it when they said, "You determine your own fate," but they were so right!
Look at people who grow up in the worst of situations. They can either rise, get up, or get out.
So yes, the Romans were right to follow their fate so closely, but they believed once they had that fate there was no other option.
Here's to Caesar for knowing what fate had doomed him and deciding to overcome it anyway!