Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Break '09!

This year for my sophomore Spring Break, I went with the Batesville High School Band to Orlando, Florida!!!

The anticipation leading up to this trip lasted almost a year, so when the time came for us to leave, I was about to bust with joy!

I have to say, the 19 hour trip down and back was very tiring but in the end, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There were definitely some fun times on that horrendous bus. Like Paige trying to use the bathroom on the bus for the first time, watching several great movies(Kung Fu Panda, Baby Moma, Indiana Jones, and more), seeing all the different state signs pass us by as we ventured closer to our destination, and so much more!

The bad parts of riding the bus though made the trip a little harder to enjoy. We had to use the bathroom in the back of the bus, sleep in the floor and on chairs, and try to get changed and ready for the next day. But looking back, it was definitely worth it!!!

The time we spent at parks like Disney(Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios), Universal Studios, and Island of Adventure was probably my favorite part of the trip. At Disney, it reminded me of all the times when I was little and when I went to Disney for the first time. But, Island of Adventure was my ABSOLUTE favorite with all of the exciting roller coasters like The Hulk, Rip Saw Falls, Dueling Dragons and so much more!

The rest of our trip was also very amazing! We got to go swimming in the pool at our hotel, go shopping at several different stores(where I found some really cute stuff!), and then we got to go have diner at the Medieval Times. That was definitely fun because you got to be a big part of the show and actually pull yourself into the medieval world!

All in all, my Spring Break '09 has been my favorite so far and I can't wait for the rest to come!

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